I'm a Full Stack Developer

Who am I ?

My Name is Moritz. As a computer enthusiast from a young age, I've always been drawn to programming languages and their potential to transform the world. In high school, I began exploring programming languages like Java and Python, and my love for coding only grew stronger.
During my studies at RMIT, I became particularly fascinated by JavaScript and the many frameworks that have emerged around it. From React to Next.js, I've immersed myself in the world of JavaScript frameworks, constantly seeking to deepen my knowledge and hone my skills.

My Skills

Technologies and languages I use for creating web applications

My Projects


This is a real time chatting application, which works over websockets. Users can signup with google and create conversations with one and another and even group chats with multiple people. All conversations can be edited so that people can be added or removed to chats

Blogging Website

Blogging website with user profile creation and update functionality. Offers creation of blogs inside the browser with image embedding and text formatting options. Commenting on blogs with reactions and reply functionality

Portfolio Website

Portfolio website with my most interesting projects, which includes my resume, a contact form and some animations

Library Managment System

Led a team of four in utilizing Scrum, Agile, and Git Flow best practices for project management on Jira and GitHub. Customers can rent books online, while staff can keep track of borrowed books. Project is hosted on AWS with CI/CD pipeline and 80% coverage with unit and integration tests.

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